March New Features

March is over, which means it’s time for our monthly new feature summary.

We’ve pushed out some new features to beef up inspection punchlists, further organize your project page, and improve user experience.

So, happy New Feature Tuesday — we hope you enjoy!

Master Punchlist

Instead of a remediation-only punchlist, which narrows the inspection scope to only previously found issues, the master punchlist pulls issues from a previous inspection and merges them with one of your existing inspection templates. This creates a standard, template-based inspection that also carries previous issues of that particular site. It’s a great way to stay on top of the status of issues when your team is on-site.

Please note: remediation-only punchlists are still available!

Inspection Log Filter

Having trouble finding the inspection you want? We have introduced a filter feature for your project’s inspection log. Now you can find the inspection you’re looking for by entering it into the search bar, selecting the date range in which it occurred, or sort by inspection date.

Informational Item Table View

We’ve revamped our table Informational Item view to be as dynamic as your work. No need to worry about the number of rows or columns — just scroll over and you’re all set.

Interested to learn more? Sign up for a demo today and join the fieldwork revolution!