SolarGrade Knowledge Base

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Using Progress Tracking in an Inspection

  • Navigate to the PROJECTS tab
  • Select the project you want to edit
  • Scroll down through the project information until you see the PROGRESS TRACKING section header (if you reach the inspection log, you’ve gone too far)
  • Select the ADD PROJECT TRACKER button
  • Input the name of the item you want to track (it could be modules, inverters, gremlins, piles, etc.)
  • Input the target quantity (this is the total number or your goal)
  • Every inspection has a PROGRESS TRACKING section at the top of the page, just above the GENERATE REPORT button. When your team works on an inspection, they can select the desired progress tracker for that particular inspection and input the appropriate values.
    • For example, if you installed 1,000 modules over the course of an inspection, you would input 1,000. The 1,000 modules installed during this site visit are then added to the cumulative amount for this particular project.
  • When you publish a report, this data can be accessed within the report as line graphs. It can also be found on the PROJECT page for an at-a-glance view of the activity’s progress.