SolarGrade Knowledge Base

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Completing & Syncing an Inspection

**This action is critical for inspectors. If the data is on your device and has not synced with the server, we do not have access to that information.

When you have completed the inspection in the field, be sure to sync your mobile device with the server. 

Auto sync capability:

SolarGrade auto sync can be enabled on any mobile device. This feature allows for the automatic syncing of issue data with any type of connection, not only wifi, and has no speed threshold. If there is a connection, elements will be synced as soon as they are added/edited. If there is no connection, the sync will start when the device is online. 

Note: you will still need to manually sync photos!

  • To enable auto sync, select the three horizontal lines in the top left corner of the mobile app
  • Tap the Cloud Sync section
  • Toggle to enable auto sync
  • Please also note that the app will need to be open to start the auto sync. Then, it will continue if the app is minimized (not closed) or the screen is off

To manually sync issues:

  • Pull down during an inspection
  • Return to the inspection details page and select the sync button

To sync photos:

  • Return to the inspection details page and select the sync button

You know that you have synced properly when there are 2 checkmarks and the text “all items synced” and “all photos synced” when you navigated to the inspection details page.

If you encounter sync issues:

  • Select the menu button (3 horizontal lines in the top left corner of the app)
  • Tap Cloud Sync. This page will show you which issues or photos have not synced.