SolarGrade Knowledge Base

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A Guide for Subcontractors

Hey! You must be a subcontractor who’s been asked to work in SolarGrade. This article/video is designed to get you feeling comfortable with the software.

  • To kick things off, you will need to be invited to a Space by an existing SolarGrade user.  
  • Once you have received your invitation via email, go ahead and click ACCEPT INVITE to create a SolarGrade account.
  • Note: you will need to create an account using this link. If you do not create one using this link, you will not have access to the shared Space. 
  • Once you create an account, head to the Google Play or App Store, search for SolarGrade, and download the app.  
  • Use your SolarGrade credentials to log in. 
  • Once in the app, make sure you’re in the right space. What is a space? A Space is where all of a company’s projects and associated work is stored. 
  • If you only have one available space, it will default to that space. However, if you do subcontractor work for multiple companies using SolarGrade, select the space you wish to use.  
  • This brings you to the project dashboard. Use the filters at the top of the page to sort by upcoming inspection or scroll down to choose the project you are working on.  
  • Here you have all of your project information. These are great references as you work on-site. At the very bottom of the page, be sure to select the DOWNLOAD button for the project drawings. This means you will have access to the project drawings offline. 
  • To access the inspection, toggle over to “Inspection Log” 
  • Click into the inspection you are working on. This will download the inspection to your device, so it will be available offline.  
  • If nothing appears here or you’re not able to make changes to your inspection, you were likely assigned to the project, but not the inspection. You will need to coordinate with someone in the company space to add you to both the project and the inspection. 
  • Once in the inspection, there are two pages. 
      • The first page is titled “Inspection Details” and includes all the pre-site information — who’s going, when they’re going, what they’re doing, etc. It also includes a field for your executive summary. 
      • To get to the second page, select the toggle at the top of the screen titled “Inspection Form”. This will bring you to the on-site checklist. You can navigate between inspection sections, categories, and items by swiping back and forth. Here you can create issues using the notebook view and the map viewBe sure to check out our Support Center for more information on those. 
  • When you’ve completed your inspection, make sure to sync your device with the cloud. You can do this by: 

As always, be sure to reach out with any questions.