Issues are a way to assess the number of open issues for a particular site visit, project, or for your entire portfolio.
If an issue is marked correctly in a site visit, you should be able to assess the number of occurrences of all issues and measure this data over time.
Looking for data inspiration? Check out our SolarGrade PV Health Report to see what you can do with your SolarGrade data.
Using the Issue Table Per Project
At the bottom of every project is a table that compiles all of the issues found on that particular project site. This table is filterable by using the column dropdown menus. You can also export the table to CSV to further analyze and catalog your issue data.
Note: you can change the severity for issues from this table view in the event that they were not categorized correctly.
This action takes place during a site visit, when you are creating an issue.
- Mark an issue item as FAIL or select the yield icon
- Under the Status field, select Open or Observation to create an open ticket
To close an issue, first navigate to the inspection that has that particular issue flagged — this can be the original site visit or a later punchlist.
- Find the issue item that was marked as FAIL or select the yield icon
- Under the Status field, select CLOSED. This functionality marks that issue as closed.
Exporting issue data is a great way to assess and analyze the health and productivity over time. To obtain issue data:
At the fleet level:
Navigate to the Dashboard
Scroll down to the Open Issues tile
Click the EXPORT ISSUES button at the bottom of the Open Issues box
At the project level:
From the dashboard, navigate to the relevant project
Select the issue summary tab
Use the column headers to filter the desired information if need be
Click the EXPORT ISSUES button at the top of the issues section
At the site visit level:
From the dashboard, navigate to the relevant project
Select the site visits tab
Find the site visit performed
Select the 3 vertical dots on the right end of that line item
Creating a Remediation-Only Punchlist
From the dashboard, navigate to the relevant project
Select the site visit tab
Locate the site visit from which you want to create a punchlist
Without clicking on the site visit, locate the three vertical dots symbol on the right side of that line item
Click the three vertical dots symbol
Date range
Scroll to the bottom of the page and select SAVE SITE VISIT
Creating a Custom Punchlist
Instead of a remediation-only punchlist, which narrows the site visit scope down to only previously found issues, you can create a custom punchlist that pulls from all of the issues in a particular project. The custom punchlist has two primary functions: (1) users can filter the table to create a specific remediation checklist that pulls issues from multiple site visits or they can (2) pull issues from a previous site visit and merge with a site visit template to create a full, template-based site visit that carries previous issues of that particular site.
From the dashboard, navigate to the relevant project
Select the issue summary tab
Sort the table to include the issues you would like to include. You can include all issues if you like.
Date range
Use the dropdown menu to Add Template Data to create a new site visit from a template, while still importing the punchlist data to the issue items.